Fall brings preseason opportunities for our West Linn basketball community to fortify the foundational building blocks of our program.
The following opportunities are open for West linn high school students grades 9th - 12th:
Period Zero: Starting Tuesday September 12th, players can earn school credit participating in Coach Viuhkola's early morning court sports class. Class begins at 6:45 a.m. on Tuesday & Thursday mornings. Contact Coach Viuhkola and get signed up at school to receive credit.
Open Gym: High school girls interested in participating on a 2023 - 2024 women's basketball team are invited to attend optional open gym sessions. Open gym schedule will be coming soon. Please check out the mobile friendly calendar page for up to date times and locations for all activities as they are subject to change.
The following opportunities are open for West linn youth players grades 2nd - 8th:
Lady Lion League: 5 consecutive Sunday evenings sessions starting Sunday October 1st through Sunday October 29th at West Linn High School. Each session will be supervised by members of the West Linn High School women's basketball coaching staff and will consist primarily of games, complemented with developmental skills. 2nd - 5th grade will attend from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 6th - 8th grade 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Register here for the 5 sessions for $125 (each additional sibling $115)
Youth Skills With Coach VanBeenen: Youth skill sessions conducted by WLHS Women's Assistant Coach Dave VanBeenen. Skill sessions are for both girls and boys! Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Tuesday Sept. 19 at Bolton Elementary School.
5:30 - 6:30: 2nd - 5th grade
6:30 - 7:30: 6th - 8th grade
Cost is $15/session. Cash or Venmo at the door.